OP del Garda is a Fruit and Vegetable Producers’ Organization.
Through our work, together we promote quality, sustainability and innovation, ensuring genuine, high-quality products that respect local traditions and meet consumer needs.
Aldà Stefano e Mirko s.s.
Since 1988, the Aldà Stefano Farm has been the leading producer of rocket in the Verona area in Isola della Scala, achieving high productivity results combined with excellent quality. Phone: +39 045 663 0833 Contact person Aldà Stefano +39 333 219 9544...
Bazzoli Agricola s.s.
Contact person Bazzoli Riccardo +39 340 220 4221
Bielli Valter
For over 40 years, the Bielli Valter Farm has stood out in the Gazzo Veronese area for the production of melon “with whiskers”, radicchio, rice and soy, always guaranteeing maximum freshness and quality of the product. Contact person Massimo +39 348 606 8568...
Blueberry Italy s.s.
Own production of different varieties of giant blueberry on a total surface area of approx. 50 hectares. In our warehouse we store and package the fruit in the shortest time possible to guarantee freshness to the final consumer. In the nursery we produce giant...
Bovi Giuseppe
The Bovi Giuseppe Farm, with over 30 years of experience in the fruit and vegetable sector, operates in the municipality of Caldiero, the cradle of the peasant tradition for excellence and quality. Contact person Bovi Giuseppe +39 338 977 4337
Bovolino s.s. di Da Prati & Perbellini
Contact person Da Prati Alberto +39 335 561 2067
Brà Ortofrutta s.s.
Contact person Marconcini Francesco +39 347 224 9277
Bragioto Soc. Agr. of Bragioto Davide and Andrea s.s.
The Bragioto Davide e Andrea s.s. Agricultural Company grows lettuce, celery and tomatoes in the countryside of Lendinara in the province of Rovigo, a land traditionally suited to horticultural cultivation, with excellent results in terms of quality and freshness....
Brunelli Mirco, Gianpaolo e Daniele s.s.
Contact person Brunelli Mirco +39 349 880 0631
Campagnola Sca
From the desire to create a single, modern and prepared interlocutor, which with a single voice represents the Agricultural Companies in the Verona area with the greatest horticultural vocation, Cooperativa Campagnola was born, rooted in the territory, specialized in...
Campostrini Soc. Agr. by Campostrini Emanuele and Monica s.s.
Since 2002, the Campostrini Company, based in Castel d’Azzano (VR), has focused its production on vegetables such as Beefsteak Tomato and Cucumber, with seasonality from April to November. Phone: +39 045 512 297 Contact person Campostrini Emanuele +39 347 735 6968...
Colpo Cristian, Denis e Andrea s.s.
Phone: +39 045 736 3250 Contact person Colpo Cristian +39 348 514 6558
Costantini Farm di Costantini Simone e Zeno s.s.
Contact person Costantini Zeno +39 347 623 8406
Croce del Gal di Mosconi Narciso
Contact person Mosconi Narciso +39 380 304 6412
Da Prati Alberto
For over 20 years, the Da Prati Farm has been producing salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, aubergines and courgettes with flowers in the Buttapietra area in the province of Verona, the cradle of the tradition for quality horticultural crops. Phone: +39 045 666 0258 Contact...
Demori s.s.
The Demori s.s. Agricultural Company transforms its passion for plants into special products such as Chili Pepper, Cuneo Pepper, Round Zucchini and Rocket. Established cultivation techniques and artisanal processes guarantee product quality at the highest levels....
Disconsi Luca
A Zevio e Oppeano, terre generose delle colture ortofrutticole veronesi, l’Azienda agricola Disconsi Luca produce da oltre 30 anni pomodori, lattuga gentilina e trocadero, prodotti tipici della coltura contadina veneta. Phone: +39 045 713 4064 Contact person Disconsi...
Disconzi Massimo e Roberto s.s.
In the lands of Povegliano Veronese we have been producing different varieties of salads, tomatoes and courgettes of the best quality for over 25 years, in full respect of the environment. Phone: +39 045 630 0473 Contact person Disconsi Massimo +39 339 643 7447...
Due Agricola e C. s.s.
Contact person Marcolungo Moreno +39 348 843 3991
Gozzo Alessandro
Contact person Pavarin Sara +39 349 320 7846
Grossule Andrea and Cristian s.s.
Contact person Grossule Andrea +39 347 992 5373
Gruber Genetti Andreas
+39 0473 568 004 Contact person Gruber Genetti Andreas +39 335 704 9555
La Ciliegina s.s.
The Società Agricola La Ciliegina, specialized in the production of high-quality cherries, extends over a continuous surface area of 48 hectares. At the time of harvest, the fruits are cooled with hydrocoolers to preserve their quality and guarantee freshness to the...
La Pera di Giovannini s.s.
For over 50 years, Società Agricola Giovannini has been a symbol of quality in pear production. We are a dynamic company that has always been dedicated to the search for the best production and service quality. Try it too! Contact person Giovannini Alessandro +39 347...
La Quercia snc
Since 1981 we have been involved in the cave production and sale of champignon and pioppino mushrooms. The daily production and the varieties offered allow us to offer certified products, fresh and at their best, with high quality standards. We mainly address fruit...
La Sorgente di Cacciatori Osvaldo, Ivano e Franco s.s.
Photo: +39 045 60 95 556 Contact person Cacciatori Franco +39 333 60 36 285
Mazzaro Annalisa
Contact person Pavarin Sara +39 349 320 7846
Migliorini Christian
Contact person Migliorini Damiano +39 328 378 3787
Migliorini Damiano
Contact person Migliorini Damiano +39 328 378 3787
Migliorini F.lli Soc. Agr. di Migliorini Marcello ed Enrico s.s.
For 40 years, Società Agricola F.lli Migliorini has been producing in the municipality of San Martino Buon Albergo in eastern Verona, on a surface area of about 70 hectares. It has specialized in the production of melon and white and green asparagus, for which it...
Montalbano s.s.
Contact person Federico Arcolin +39 333 358 0576
Pavarin Andrea
The Pavarin Andrea Farm, active for 75 years in the fertile territory of Lusia, is a cutting-edge company that uses new technologies for the production of vegetables. Specialized in the production of salad, bunched carrots and aubergines. Contact person Pavarin Sara...
Pavarin Giovanni
Contact person Pavarin Sara +39 349 320 7846
Pavarin Marica
Contact person Pavarin Sara +39 349 320 7846
Pavarin Sara
Contact person Pavarin Sara +39 349 320 7846
Perinda s.s.
Contact person Dosser Christoph +39 338 276 5282
Pozzani F.lli di Mauro e Paolo s.s.
Contact person Pozzani Mauro +39 328 864 1499
Prandini Evaristo
The Prandini Evaristo Farm covers an area of approximately 100 hectares in San Felice sul Panaro, in the Modena hinterland, traditionally dedicated to the cultivation of excellent quality melons and watermelons. Contact person Prandini Evaristo +39 335 603 8925...
Pretto Adriano e Figli s.s.
The Pretto Adriano Francesco Farm in Mirandola in the province of Modena, extends over an area of about 700 hectares, of which 160 are dedicated to the cultivation of melons and watermelons. The company is one of the most important producers of melons in Emilia...
Quality Fruit s.s.
Contact person Bielli Massimo +39 348 606 8568
Roncolato Elena
Contact person Lucchini Alessandro +39 335 807 1459
Rosario di Ongaro Marco and Alberto Soc. Agr. s.s.
Phone: +39 045.7301027 Contact person Ongaro Marco +39 339 5768517
Scandola Fruit s.s.
Contact person Scandola Matteo +39 347 039 1465
Scandola Giuseppe e Sebastiano s.s.
+39 045 666 0229 Contact person Scandola Sebastiano +39 349 358 9923
Scandola Riccardo
+39 045 873 1585 Contact person Scandola Riccardo +39 347 231 6059
Scolari Mario, Francesco e Luca s.s.
Contact person Scolari Mario +39 333 338 5101
Serpelloni Claudia
+39 045 797 5022 Contact person Serpelloni Claudia +39 334 328 7275
Stevani F.lli s.a.s.
Contact person Stevani Davide +39 347 285 7556
Tacchella s.s.
Contact person Tacchella Michela +39 333 276 5847
Tosoni F.lli di Tosoni Andrea & C s.a.s.
For over 25 years, Azienda Agricola Tosoni s.a.s. has been producing fruit and vegetables of the best tradition, in the hinterland of the gentle hills of Garda. Contact person Tosoni Andrea +39 348 529 6145
Tu e Noi s.s.
A name to represent the union of producers and traders in a single Company. La condivisione di un intero percorso, dall’analisi delle esigenze del cliente, alla programmazione, semina, raccolta, fino alla vendita, con attenzione a tutta la filiera delle eccellenze...
Valerio Damiano
The Valerio Damiano Farm specializes in the cultivation and marketing of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and cherries in the Verona area, in Raldon di San Giovanni Lupatoto. Contact person Valerio Damiano +39 338 939 2759
Vignola Cristina
Contact person Terron Vittorino +39 349 464 1008
Vignola Giovanni
Contact person Vignola Giovanni +39 347 786 5244
Zerman Alessandro e Simone s.s
For three generations, the Zerman Farm has specialized in the production of strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and currants on an area of approximately 14 hectares, in the lands of San Giovanni Lupatoto. Contact person Zerman Alessandro +39 339 293...